Trip Report – 1 April 2017 : Mt Kaukau (445 m) and Te Wharangi ridge to south
Vegetation on the ridge is low, wind-shorn scrub, previously pasture. We started from the TV mast on Kaukau, having driven up the access road in low cloud, which lifted late morning, aided by a strong northerly. The group botanised mostly along the ridge, with one diversion off the side into a relatively sheltered gully. The low, wind-shorn scrub comprised mostly Coprosma rhamnoides and Raukaua anomalus, often growing together, and usually with the Coprosma to windward. There was also a fair amount of gorse and Darwin’s barberry. Closer inspection under the shrub cover revealed a surprising variety of herbs and ferns, and a less surprising selection of weeds. Highlights were large, spreading, but low plants of Lophomyrtus bullata, several species of Hymenophyllum including H. minimum, a number of climbers including Clematis forsteri, Metrosideros fulgens and M. diffusa, Rubus cissoides agg., Muehlenbeckia complexa and Parsonsia heterophylla.
Participants : Gavin Dench, Carolyn Dimattina, Bryan Halliday, Chris Hopkins, Alison Lane, Rodney Lewington, Pat McLean, Richard Parfitt, Leon Perrie, Sunita Singh, Lara Shepherd, Darea Sherratt and co-leaders Jane Humble and Eleanor Burton.
We thank Liz and John Hume for permission to use the access road across their property, and Pat Enright for the species list.